Inam order copy

Inam order copy

Inam order copy

Get the occupancy rights granted under the Inam Abolition Act

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Frequently Asked Questions

An Inam is a gift of land or land revenue. The origin of the Inam can be traced back to the times of Hindu, Mohammadan periods of rule.

An Inamdar is the one who has been granted occupancy rights under the Inam Abolition Act.

The Act provides to abolish the inam tenure of lands and convert them into ryotwari lands.

It applies to pre-settlement inam lands, both major and minor inams where a grant in inam has been made, confirmed or recognised by Government, not being an Estate.

Agricultural lands in former Inam villages are not excluded from the purview of the Land Reforms Act.

A service Inam is an inam granted to a person or persons burdening them with certain condition of service viz., Washerman Inam, Potters Inam, Carpenter's Inam etc.,

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